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Canal Road Main Extension and Limited Lane Closure

To accommodate infrastructure development in the north end of Glynn County, utility construction efforts will be underway on Canal Road between Hwy 25 and Old Jesup Rd from today until mid to late September. Local traffic to homes and businesses will be coordinated but access will be limited to other thru-traffic.

Early last week, Sapelo Farms offered to host a public meeting at their facility to discuss the project. Invitation was extended to all homeowners within the project area. Saturday, April 16, fourteen residents from the affected area of Canal Rd met with staff from JWSC and Glynn County at Sapelo Farms to coordinate the flow of traffic during the project. Questions regarding access and traffic control were discussed. Persons adjacent to the route along Canal Rd would be given the opportunity to tie onto the water system. Fire protection services will also be provided. A sanitary sewer transmission main will be run to connect existing systems but no single connections will be accommodated to this main.

During the construction period, from today to mid to late September, please be prepared to alter your route to avoid delay.
