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BGJWSC Water & Sewer Bill Calculator

In anticipation of questions that you may have regarding our rate revision, the following bill calculator is being made available. You can enter your monthly flow in the spreadsheet frame below and the rates for each year from 2014 to 2022 will display your previous billing amount, allowing you to compare that to the new rate structure. System-wide single family residential consumption averages 4,200 gallons per month.

Prior to July 2018, we only displayed your consumption in thousands of gallons. Bills mailed out in June of 2018 began showing per gallon consumption.  This serves to simplify your monthly billing and your budgeting process as fluctuations month-to-month should be smaller as long as your consumption is consistent and no leaks exist.

Though you can see all details in the frame below by scrolling up and down, left and right within the frame, you can also click on the button on the bottom right of the calculator, labeled “View full-size workbook” and it will open up in a new screen for you using Microsoft Excel Online. You may also click download button at the bottom of the frame to save a version that can be edited on your PC or Mac using Microsoft Excel.

If you have any questions regarding the use of this calculator, please contact our customer service office at 261-7100 or visit us at 1703 Gloucester St in Brunswick.

Jay Sellers
Director of Administration