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BGJWSC Participates in Water Loss Audit Program

On April 20, 2017, the BGJWSC entered into an agreement with the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) to enable our community to receive water loss technical assistance. This audit, which is being provided at no cost to our utility, our rate payers, or our community, will enable us to determine areas of concern within our water distribution system. We will then be able to develop a priority for future capital improvement projects to make repairs to our aging infrastructure.

GEFA, an integral part of our Georgia state government, invited our utility to apply for this program on January 24, 2017 and we are honored to have been selected as a recipient of this technical assistance from the federal Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. The primary aim of this national program is to assist local utilities with reducing water loss, thereby reducing our monthly operating costs, a savings that will ultimately be passed on to our rate payers.

The water loss audit will be performed by Matchpoint, Inc. of Wilmington, NC. You may see one of their vehicles, pictured below, as they make their way throughout our system over the coming weeks. The survey will include mains, hydrants and service connections up to your meter box. Please be aware that they are not making any repairs to our system at this time but will notify our staff of any leaks or other problems that they find through the course of the audit.

Questions concerning this project can be sent to Jay Sellers at