Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, May 17, 2023
For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.
Facilities Minutes 5-17-23 with Attachments
To read the minutes please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.
Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission
1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520
Commission Meeting Room
Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 1:00 PM
Ben Turnipseed, Chairman
Tripp Stephens, Commissioner
Charles Cook, Commissioner
Andrew Burroughs, Executive Director
Todd Kline, Director of Engineering
LaDonnah Roberts, Deputy Executive Director
David Owens, Director of Finance
Charles Dorminy, HBS Legal Counsel
Janice Meridith, Executive Commission Administrator
Chairman Turnipseed called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.
Chairman Turnipseed provided an invocation.
Chairman Turnipseed opened the Public Comment Period.
There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Turnipseed closed the Public Comment Period.
- Minutes from Facilities Committee Meeting April 19, 2023
Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Chairman Turnipseed to approve the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on April 19, 2023. Motion carried 2-0-1. (Commissioner Stephens was not present for the vote.)
- Dedications of Private Infrastructure & Easements – T. Kline
- 235 Kings Way Gravity Sewer – Dedication of Infrastructure
- Francis Xavier Catholic School Addition – Dedication of Infrastructure
- Tanglewood Phase 2B – Dedication of Infrastructure
- Walker Point Ph1 – Dedication of Infrastructure and Easement
- The Estates at Golden Isles – Dedication of Infrastructure and Easement
Mr. Kline provided that the Developers of the above-mentioned properties wish to convey easements and dedicate infrastructure. They have submitted necessary legal documents defining the transfer of ownership and conveying the easements for access and maintenance. All requirements of the JWSC Standards for Water & Sewer Design and Construction and Development Procedures have been met, and all related documents submitted.
Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens that the Facilities Committee recommend the full Commission approve and accept this project with associated Dedications and Easements. Motion carried 3-0-0.
- Easement Acquisition – Adams Drive – C. Dorminy
Mr. Dorminy advised that JWSC has been requested to provide potable water along Adams Drive. The Water Distribution Department plans to abandon existing galvanized water mains located on the road and install a new PVC main. Four landowners abutting Adams Drive have executed deeds providing the JWSC with necessary easements to complete this project. This project will allow the four current homes and future homes to tie on to the public system.
Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens that the Facilities Committee recommend the full Commission accept the Adams Road easements. Motion carried 3-0-0.
- Water Production Report – A. Burroughs
Mr. Burroughs presented the Water Production Report for the month of April 2023 to the Facilities Committee. This report provides the Committee with the monthly and daily water production in millions of gallons for each of the BGJWSC water production facilities (wells). The following are Brunswick District production facilities: Howard Coffin, Goodyear Park, Brunswick Villa, FLETC, I-95, Golden Isles I, Golden Isles II, Canal, and Ridgewood. The South Mainland District wells include Fancy Bluff, Exit 29, and Brookman. Mallery, Airport, Harrington, and Hampton South are the wells located in the St. Simons Island District.
- WPCF Plant Flows Report – A. Burroughs
Mr. Burroughs reviewed the monthly Wastewater Flow Reports with the Commissioners. This report contains data regarding the influent and effluent flows, concentration of elements and chemicals, plant capacity, etc. April 2023 had more rainfall recorded at Academy Creek than the month of March. The influent flow at Academy Creek for April was 5.4 MGD as compared to March at 6.9. The effluent flow for April decreased from March’s 5.9 MGD to 5.5 MGD, with the plant operating at 41% of its capacity. The influent flow at Dunbar Creek for the month of April was 2.5 MGD, and the effluent flow slightly decreased to 2.8 MGD, with the plant operating at 70% capacity. The influent flow at South Port was at 0.499 and the effluent flow reported at 0.557, with the plant operating at 37% capacity. JWSC’s wastewater treatment plants are operating very well.
- Capital Project Report – T. Kline / A. Burroughs
Mr. Kline and Mr. Burroughs presented an update on the monthly Project Report for Capital Projects currently in process including those in the engineering phase and those in construction. The Commissioners were provided with a packet containing: the Capital Project Photographs, Capital Project Report Spreadsheet, the Capital Project Gantt Chart of project timelines, and the Earned Value Analysis Report. Mr. Kline and Mr. Burroughs thoroughly presented the update by discussing each project along with excellent photographs and descriptive details.
There being no further business, Chairman Turnipseed requested a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 3-0-0.
Chairman Turnipseed adjourned the meeting at 2:17p.m.