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Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, July 20, 2022

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.

Facilities Minutes 7-20-22 with Attachments

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.

Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Commission Meeting Room

Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 1:00 PM 



Ben Turnipseed, Chairman

Bob Duncan, Commissioner

Charles Cook, Commissioner

Andrew Burroughs, Executive Director

ALSO PRESENT:                  

LaDonnah Roberts, Deputy Executive Director

Todd Kline, Director of Engineering

Janice Meridith, Executive Commission Administrator

Chairman Turnipseed called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.

Chairman Turnipseed provided the invocation.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Turnipseed closed the Public Comment Period.


            Tnemec Tank of the Year Award – 2021 First Place Runner-Up

            Dean A. Drehoff, CSI, SSPC – Consulting Specialist, Southeastern Resources, Inc.


  1. Minutes from Facilities Committee Meeting June 15, 2022

Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to approve the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on June 15, 2022.  Motion carried 3-0-0.

  1. Minutes from Facilities Committee Executive Session June 15, 2022

Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to approve the minutes from the Facilities Committee Executive Session held on June 15, 2022.  Motion carried 3-0-0.

  1. Infrastructure and Easement Dedications – T. Kline
  • Golden Isles Aviation Hangar
  • Century Place Habitat for Humanity

Mr. Kline presented the request for acceptance of the Easement and Private Infrastructure Dedication from the Golden Isles Aviation Hangar and the Century Place Habitat for Humanity.  The Owner of Record for each portion of the infrastructure described within has submitted legal documents to: 1) define and execute the transfer of ownership; and, 2) convey an easement for access and maintenance.  Century Place includes internal infrastructure. The infrastructure is understood to have complied with applicable standards at the time of construction. JWSC inspection records indicate the infrastructure is functioning and in acceptable condition.  All requirements of the JWSC Standards for Water & Sewer Design and Construction and Development Procedures have been met, and all related documents submitted. Staff recommends acceptance and approval of the described water and sewer infrastructure and easement.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to move that the Facilities Committee forward these projects with associated Dedications and Easement to the full Commission for approval and acceptance.  Motion carried 3-0-0.

4. Pump Station 4036 CIPP Project – Final Balancing Change Order No. 2 – T. Kline

Mr. Kline stated that JWSC staff received the Contractor’s Final Pay Application Request from Bio-Nomic Services, Inc.  The documentation is dated July 13, 2022 and includes a project Change Order No. 2 request in the additional amount of $14,163.35 and a 117-day time extension. This change order documents the terms for closing out the project which includes final cost adjustments due to planned versus actual lengths, additional heavy cleaning/deposit cuts required, days over contract time, and allowance of delay days due to ongoing Pump Station 4035-4036 construction activities. This change order shall constitute the full and final settlement of this contract.  Staff has reviewed the request from Bio-Nomic Services, Inc and recommends approval of a Change Order No. 2 request with an adjusted final contract amount of $946,497.04 and a final closing payment of $94,679.70.

Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to move that the Facilities Committee forward the above-described Change Order No. 2 to the full Commission for approval.  Motion carried 3-0-0.

  1. North Mainland SPLOST Engineering Change Order No. 2 – T. Kline

Mr. Kline advised the Committee that JWSC staff received project Change Order No. 2 documentation from Thomas & Hutton dated July 13, 2022 (Professional Services Contract Amendment) for additional funding of $50,590.51 and a time extension of 574 days.  This change order documents the terms for closing out the project which includes final cost adjustments, and allowance of delay days due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, supply chain issues, labor shortages, inflation spikes, and logistical challenges during the construction of Phase II North Mainland (NM) CIPP with Inland Pipe Rehabilitation, LLC. (IPR), Phase III NM Pump Station 4035-4036 Rehab Improvements with Southern Civil, LLC, and Phase III NM Forcemain reroute with TB Landmark Construction, Inc.  Due to the extended construction period for the Phase II NM CIPP project with IPR, $204,000.00 was imposed as liquidated damages for not completing the work within the contract time.  This change order shall constitute the full and final settlement of this contract.  Staff has reviewed the request from Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. and recommends approval to increase funding by $50,590.51 and contract time (for construction phase services) by 574 days to the engineering contract. Chairman Turnipseed had concerns about the inspection process and who is doing the actual inspections during the extended time period.  He also noted that while he does understand some of the reasons why the construction time may need to be extended due to current economic situations but does not understand why the engineer should need a time extension.  After discussion, a vote was taken.

Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to move that the Facilities Committee forward the above-described Change Order No. 2 to the full Commission for approval.  Motion carried 2-1-0.  (Commissioner Cook and Commissioner Duncan voted “For”.  Chairman Turnipseed voted “Against”. 

  1. Glynn County Animal Control Facility Lease IGA Amendment No. 1 – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs stated that this Amendment needs to be deferred until the next meeting.  The County did not finalize the IGA Amendment in time for this meeting.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to move that the Facilities Committee defer this item until the next Facilities Committee meeting, Motion carried 3-0-0.


  1. Water Production Report – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs presented the Water Production Report for the month of June 2022 to the Facilities Committee.  This report provides the Committee with the monthly and daily water production in millions of gallons for each of the BGJWSC water production facilities (wells).  The following are Brunswick District production facilities:  Howard Coffin, Goodyear Park, Brunswick Villa, FLETC, I-95, Golden Isles I, Golden Isles II, Canal, and Ridgewood.  The South Mainland District wells include Fancy Bluff, Exit 29, and Brookman.  Mallery, Airport, Harrington, and Hampton South are the wells located in the St. Simons Island District.

  1. WPCF Plant Flows Report – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs reviewed the monthly Wastewater Flow Reports with the Commissioners.  This report contains data regarding the influent and effluent flows, concentration of elements and chemicals, plant capacity, etc. June 2022 was a wet month resulting in increased plant flows and resulting in lower influent and effluent concentrations.  The influent flow at Academy Creek for June was 5.1 MGD as compared to May at 4.9.  The effluent flow for June went up from 5.4 to 6.0, with the plant operating at 45% of its capacity.  The influent flow at Dunbar Creek was down at 2.8 from the previous 2.9 and the effluent flow was lower at 2.8, with the plant operating at 70% capacity.  The amount of rainfall on St. Simons Island for June was much less than in the North Mainland area. The influent flow at South Port went down to 0.168 and the effluent flow was at 0.362, with the plant operating at 24% capacity.  The June rainfall in the South Port area was reported to have been a bit less than in May.  JWSC’s wastewater treatment plants are operating very well and are within permit limits.

  1. Capital Project Report – T. Kline / A. Burroughs

Mr. Kline and Mr. Burroughs presented an update on the June Monthly Project Report for Capital Projects currently in process.  The Commissioners were provided with a packet containing: the Capital Project Photographs, Capital Project Report Spreadsheet, the Capital Project Gantt Chart of project timelines, and the Earned Value Analysis Report.  Mr. Kline and Mr. Burroughs thoroughly presented the update by discussing each project along with excellent photographs and descriptive details.

There being no further Committee business, Chairman Turnipseed adjourned the meeting at 2:21 p.m.