Project Info – Systemwide – GA Environmental Finance Authority Loan Debt Service
- Project Number:
- District and General Location: Systemwide upgrade for North Mainland, South Mainland, and Saint Simons Island District.
- Total Budget: $1.21M
- Anticipated Construction Completion Date: TBD
- Details: GEFA’s water and sewer financing programs offer low-interest financing for drinking water, reservoirs and water supply, water quality, stormwater and solid waste infrastructure. The JWSC has secured GEFA’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan.
- Purpose: The purpose of the loan is to replace aging assets to maintain a high level of service and reliability at the water production and distribution of potable water and to provide for sewage collection, treatment and disposal at the wastewater treatment plants.
- Have More Questions? Please Contact LaDonnah S. Roberts, Deputy Executive Director by email here:
Visual Summary: