Commission Minutes – September 3, 2015
For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from September 3, 2015:
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:
Donald M. Elliott, Chairman
Clifford Adams, Commissioner
Thomas Boland, Commissioner
Allen Booker, County Commissioner
Ronald Perry, Commissioner
John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner
David H. Ford, Commissioner
Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director
John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration
Charles A. Dorminy, Legal Counsel
Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Perry provided the invocation, and Chairman Elliott let the pledge.
Jonathan Roberts, Roberts Civil Engineers. He stated he is working with Mariners Landing subdivision and wanted to explain the six steps in a project. 1) Preliminary Plat, 2) Engineering plans review, 3) Construction of the infrastructure, 4) Final Plat, 5) Vertical Construction, 6) Certificate of Occupancy. Each step has miles stone, etc. He continued to state they are in step 2 for the Mariners Landing and have been for 10 months. They have been told that the last remaining item is waiting for JWSC to tell Glynn County that the plans are compliant and has been officially approved and move on to step 3. Mr. Roberts stated they feel all items have been satisfied. We appreciate your time and consideration.
There being no additional citizens that wished to address the Commission, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.
Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to add item #4 under Approval for Service Contract. Motion approved 7-0-0.
Tutela Security Camera Demonstration
Steve Swan updated the Commissioners on the installation contract of security cameras at the South Harrington, Academy Creek and the Administration buildings both inside and out. The software is being installed along with levels of authorization. Matthew Kirkland provided history of Tutela stating it began about 13 years ago here in Brunswick. A few of their customers include SEGHS Hospital, Sea Island, Rich-Seapak among other companies. Tutela presented the live presentation of access cameras using Salient and Access Video. At Academy Creek we have installed 8, South Harrington 7, and at the Administration Building we have installed 15 cameras.
Derrick Simmons
Commissioner Elliott recognized Derrick Simons and his crew for teaming up with the Glynn County Fire Department in rescuing a girl’s arm from the water intake pipes of a swimming pool.
Employee Recognition
Commissioner Cason and Heather Ott, Teamworks, presented employees with their Worksite Traffic Control Supervisor Certificates: Michael Field, William Todd Kline, Frank Clark, Rick Bartlet, Jeffrey McCumbers, Kirk Young, Robert Holmes, Joseph Humphry, Ralph Sharpe, Paul Sutton, Derrick Simmons, James Slaughter, Marcus Vasquez, Paul Herrin, Gregory Sellers, and Michael Harrington. Steve Swan stated this was a three day class and the first time JWSC has had this certification on set up lane closures, protect work zone, liabilities and the National Standards. Next is the Waste Water Operator Class I Angela Walker, Waste Water Laboratory Analyst License Karen Fields Brinson and Keyshia Jones. Steve Swan stated the Operator and Lab Analyst are quite a tough task to acquire this license. Commissioner Cason commented on BGJWSC supports our employees and we stand behind them making sure they get what they need in education and training so they can perform their jobs.
Video Presentation of Glynn County Department of Economic Development
Steve Swan introduced John Scott of the Development Authority and stated he presented in Atlanta to project managers showing what programs we have in Glynn County and welcoming business. John set up the video and explained that it shows a little overview of what we have here in Glynn County. It shows our industrial heritage that is all tied into the World War II history. John put the video together and using drones and all agreed it looked great.
Communications & Customer Service Committee – Commissioner Ford
There was nothing new to report at this time.
Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott
There was nothing new to report.
Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry
There was nothing new to report.
Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott
The committee did meet and will discuss during the discussion item #1.
Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason
The committee met this morning and reviewed bylaws and in a few weeks will have before the full commission to accept. Discussed Employment advertisement.
Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland
Has not met recently but our attorney has been working on the legislation and we encourage the delegation to meet with us and we ask to coordinate their help in getting our legislation through.
Minutes from the August 20, 2015 Regular Meeting.
Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes with any revisions or changed necessary from the August 6, 2015 regular meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.
Minutes from the August 20, 2015 Executive Session Meeting.
Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes with any revisions or changed necessary from the August 6, 2015 Executive Session. Motion carried 7-0-0.
Contract Collusion Statements – S. Swan/C. Dorminy
Steve Swan read the addition of Non-Collusion Affidavit to all Contracts and Agreements. The background is that there is a need for this affidavit to be added to all Requests for Proposals, Request for Qualifications, Service Agreements, Material Vendor Agreements and all Contracts. It was noted that the JWSC HR Policies address the employee’s responsibilities regarding Non-Collusion in Sections; 4.9 Employment and Conflicts of Interest, Section 4.11 Gifts & Gratuities, and Section 7.9 Code of Conduct. It was recommended by the staff the Non Collusion Affidavit be made a part of all bidding Documents, Contracts, and Agreements associated with the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission as an individual or other business name that they may assume.
Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason that the Non-Collusion Affidavit be made part of all Bidding Documents, Contracts, and Agreements associated with the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission and be adopted as policy.
There was further discussion and it was asked if something happened to cause this. There have been incidents that happened prior to this commission and found it was necessary to be transparent in our bidding documents and contract process and that it is reviewed and talked about in all our agreements.
Motion was approved 7-0-0.
Service Contract, Utility Services Group – S. Swan
Steve Swan presented to the Commission the memorandum and attachment of slide presentation with the contractor. The background was explained as the contract with United Utility Service Company for Elevated Water Tower Maintenance services. Individual contracts are setup by location, dating back to as early as 1990. The original and current contracts are actually with the City of Brunswick and not with the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission. The memo continued as JWSC had met with United Utility Service Company’s top management and discussed the shortfalls and deficiencies not addressed. The terms have not been met and communication could have been better. The meeting went well and a sense of urgency was placed on the contractor. The contractor wants to do the right thing and fulfill their obligation. It was recommended that the best course of action is within 30 days have JWSC develop a plan for the contractor to complete their obligations by August 1st, 2016. Pamela Crosby, Procurement Director, addressed the Commissioners stating the agreement is dated and that really needs to be detailed. There was discussion regarding the contract being with the City and JWSC is paying for the account. It was asked why it is not being addressed now and not waiting a year to complete. There is a clause in the contract to address a cancellation by August 1st and that time has passed for JWSC to cancel. The contractor wants to make it right and complete what was paid for and may need to for their reputation going forward. JWSC staff needs time to conduct a good evaluation and have a solid contract and terms and have no doubts about moving forward. It was agreed that the contractor should not inspect his own work. The staff strongly encourages that a contract of this content should be put out to bid every 5 to 6 years.
Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry that a notice of cancellation be executed to United Utility Services Company for Water Tower Maintenance effective August 1st, 2016. This is in accordance with the current contract terms and the cancelation letter will be signed and executed by the Commission Chairman, Commission Vice Chairman, Facilities Committee Chairman, and the Executive Director.
It was requested after the 30 days there be a meeting with JWSC Facilities and will have an
update on the progress. All were in agreement.
Motion was approved 7-0-0.
2015 – 2016 Financials – J. Donaghy
John Donaghy explained the contents of the packet which included Balance Sheeet, Commission Report of Expenditures and Revenue Statement. He stated the Finance Committee did meet this week and the Executive Director has prepared a list of large unexpected expenditures for 2014-2015. Mr. Swan discussed the memorandum which were items that were incurred during 2014-2015 of unforeseen expenses and not in the budget. Many items were safety related and recommended by the newly formed Safety Committee. This committee identified these needs to make a safer environment for our workers. Additional items were described and explained and a few are listed as: hauling of sludge due to down burner, Servers, Extractions Devices and proper tools, Loader, replenishment of Citiworks program, and Condrey Study. It was explained that that there was about 3M expenses the staff has overcome this year. Many costly items were identified by the staff and were cut back and/or removed from expenses. Mr. Swan explained how many items have been overlooked for years and some needed to be addressed. The item of reducing costs was stated that Academy Creek are currently replacing lights to halogen and will save during the year. The goal of our staff is to reduce our power bill by 10%. The Commissioners have stated that when there are large expenses that they would like to be informed about them prior to it being the end of the year and accumulated totals. There was discussion of where the money will come from to pay for these unforeseen expenses and it was stated that the end of 2014 year we were quite ahead and some of the money will roll over to pay for 2015 expenses. It was also stated that the office complex was purchased with a bond referendum in 2010 and none of these expenses and issues we are discussing went for this building.
Mariners Landing and Villas at Gascoigne EPD Submittal – T. Kline
Todd Kline discussed the memo and provided copy of the DRT Agenda. The project update was explained with dates and stated Roberts Civil Engineering has addressed all water and sewer review and comments. Mr. Kline stated that once all required documentation from the Project Engineer is received, the JWSC staff intends to submit plans to EPD for review. It was requested that with no objections from the Commission and with approval from the Executive Director, staff will proceed as described above. The issue is capacity and being able to transport the waste. Mr. Kline plans to address the capacity issue on the EPD letter and stating the developer has a good plan requesting they be permitted. Mr. Swan stated the downstream conveniences are being upgraded and they are on schedule.
Chairman Elliott stated there will be no further business after the Executive Session.
Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to close the regular meeting and adjourn to Executive Session to discuss potential litigation. Motion carried 7-0-0.
There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Elliott adjourned the open meeting at 4:00 pm.