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Commission Minutes – May 7, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from May 7, 2015:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:

PRESENT:                              Donald M. Elliott, Chairman

                                                Clifford Adams, Commissioner

                                                Thomas Boland, Commissioner

                                                Allen Booker, County Commissioner

                                                John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

                                                David H. Ford, Commissioner

                                                Ronald Perry, Commissioner       

ALSO PRESENT:                  Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director

                                                John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

                                                Charles A. Dorminy, JWSC Attorney

Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM. Commissioner Perry provided the invocation, and Chairman Elliott led the pledge.


There being no citizen that wished to address the Commission, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.


Communications & Customer Service – Commissioner Ford

No report at this time.

Economic Development – Commissioner Elliott

No report at this time.

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

            No report at this time.

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

Commissioner Elliott stated items to be discussed are on today’s agenda.

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

Commissioner Cason stated the committee met this morning. The Bylaws are being amended by Charlie Dorminy and plan to have on agenda for June 4 Commissioner meeting.

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

A meeting is planned with new attorney, Charles Dorminy.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to add item # 4 under discussion for Todd Kline to give up an update on Repair and Replacement Project. Motion carried 7-0-0.


  1. Minutes of the April 9, 2015 Regular Meeting.

Charlie Dorminy addressed the Commission stating the order of the motion “to move the Executive Directors and the Chairmans’ Update” needs to be placed at the Discussion level.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2015 regular meeting as amended. Motion carried 7-0-0.

  1. Minutes of April 9, 2015 Executive Session.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2015 Executive Session. Motion carried 7-0-0.

  1. Camera System and Installation Contract – Steve Swan

Mr. Swan summarized the Memo attached to the agenda regarding the Camera System Installation contract. The implementation of this project will result in important and necessary security enhancements. The project will be complete in 120 days and in three phases. Ms. Swan pointed out the locations on a map which are the new administration offices at 1703 Gloucester Street, South Harrington Water Treatment Plant and Academy Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant. Ms. Swan stated each facility has the ability to monitor the cameras and recordings. Of the 6 plan holders one contractor submitted a bid. Charles Dorminy stated that a camera security system offers insurance rate negotiations and cost savings. Commissioner Elliott requests a written plan on how they will be utilized and who will monitor them. The suggestion was made that the Facilities Committee oversee the process of the camera system and monitoring abilities once they are installed. Mr. Swan read the staff recommendation and suggested that the Commission approve to award the agreement to Tutela Electronic Security Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $60,044.67.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to accept the contract with Tutela Electronic Security Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $60,044.67 and authorize the Executive Director and the Chairman to execute the agreement.  Motion approved and carried 7-0-0.

  1. Canal Road & Water Force Main Improvements – Todd Kline

Todd Swan summarized the Memo attached to the Agenda regarding the Canal Road Water & Force Main Improvements. This project is to implement reliability and capacity improvements to the North Mainland water & sewer infrastructure system. Mr. Kline stated the project will connect the currently separate water systems formerly known as Glynn County and City of Brunswick water systems. This new force main would be installed as part of a three-phased plan to upgrade and redirect the flow of waste water. Three engineering design proposals were received. The timing of this water system connection is critical to the Canal Crossing development. Glynn County has already awarded the construction of the Canal Crossing road widening and infrastructure to EMC and they are in the position to expedite the design and coordination between these two projects. The staff recommends that JWSC award this project to EMC Engineering Services, Inc. for the engineering and design of the “Canal Road Water & Force Main Improvements” project in the amount of $47,610.00.

Commissioner Booker made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to accept the contract with EMC Engineering Services, Inc. for the engineering and design of the “Canal Road Water & Force Main Improvements” project in the amount of $47,610.00 and authorize the Executive Director and the Chairman to execute the agreement.  Motion approved and carried 7-0-0.


  1. Relocation Moving Company Contract – Steve Swan

Mr. Swan summarized the Memo attached to the Agenda regarding the Office Relocation Moving Contract. The JWSC requested quotes to move office furniture, equipment and files from 700 Gloucester St. to 1703 Gloucester St. Three companies inspected the items to be moved and two quotes were received. The staff recommends that the bid from Paul Davis Emergency Service, in the amount of $8,450.00 be accepted. The staff is responsible for boxing items and designate location for new office. Paul Davis Emergency Services is responsible for any damage that may occur as a result of moving.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to accept the contract with Paul Davis Emergency Services for moving of the office furniture, equipment and files from 700 Gloucester St to 1703 Gloucester St, in the amount of $8,450.00 to be funded through the Construction Fund of the 2010C Revenue Bond and to authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute the contract.  Motion approved and carried 7-0-0.


SR 99 Easement

Executive Director S. Swan updated the Commissioners on the SR 99 Easement project. Last week a meeting was held with State Representatives Ann Purcell, Georgia Department of Transportation to discuss adding much needed fire protection on state route 99. The DOT project to widen the road is not on the projected 10 year list. Also present was Senator William Ligon, and representatives from Brunswick and Glynn County Development Authority, Chamber of Commerce, Glynn County Fire Department, Glynn County Board of Education, land developer and local businesses.   Todd Kline presented to the group the need and position of a line to be approximately 5 yards back to allow road widening.

2015-2016 Budget and Rate Resolution

Chief Financial Officer John Donaghy updated the Commissioners on the proposed 2015-16 Budget. Mike Burton of Burton and Associates with his team were here and discussed with the JWSC staff to update the rates accordingly. A full rate resolution is needed but unable to do so with the time constraints, the new Master Plan updates and the unapproved budget. Commissioner Elliott asked the Customer Service and Communications Committee to address this on their next agenda and to figure other ways to reach the community in addition to the media and billing statement notices.

ATM and Four Waters Engineering Master Plan

  1. Swan introduced Steven C. Swan from Applied Technology & Management and Angela Bryan of Four Waters Engineering, Inc. and stated these two companies are working together on the Master Plan. Angela Bryan handed out an update and reiterated there was city representation at the meeting held last month. Laura Constantino of ATM also updated the Commissioners with a breakdown of the areas in Glynn County being addressed. They are working with Jones Edmunds on updating the system and capturing all important items.

Mansfield St/Glynn Academy Sanitary Sewer Modifications

  1. Kline addressed the Commissioners of Mansfield St and Glynn Academy where the clay joints need repair. A map of where the lines are was presented by T. Kline. The Glynn County Board of Education would like to relocate the line as it is in close proximity of the Glynn Academy School buildings. The BOE would like it to be fixed while the students are out of session for the summer. Commissioner Elliott stated this item will need to be addressed with the Finance and Facilities Committees for funds.

Repair and Replacement Project Update

  1. Kline updated the Commissioners on the open projects and their status.


  1. Swan updated the Commissioners on the Urbana Project.
  2. Swan updated the Commissioners on the June 22 proposed date to move in new building.


Commissioner Elliott stated that JWSC has been asked for a member to join the Brunswick Area Transportation Study (BATS). Commissioner Elliott asked if the Executive Director can get someone from JWSC appointed to the state water board.


Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to close the regular meeting and adjourn to executive session to discuss pending litigation and personnel issues. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to adjourn the executive session and return to the open session. Motion carrier 7-0-0

Back in session.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to drop the name change issue of removing the “Joint” from Joint Water and Sewer Commission and to leave “as is” which may be addressed at a later time.  Motion approved and carried 7-0-0.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to ratify the contract to adjust the Executive Directors salary to be in accordance with the Condrey Study for the employees previously approved in open session at the last Special Called meeting on April 9, 2015 and executed by Commissioner Elliott on April 20, 2015. Motion carried 7-0-0.

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Elliott adjourned the open meeting at 6:00 PM.