Finance Committee Minutes – March 18, 2014
For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Finance Committee Meeting from March 18, 2014:
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:
Present: Donald Elliot
John Cason
Thomas Boland
Steve Swan, Executive Director
John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer
February 28, 2014 Financials: The Committee reviewed items of the budget balance sheet with John Donaghy.
Budget Status: The Committee reviewed the next FY budget status.
Customer Deposits: A review of the current ordinances will need to be researched to see if customer deposits can be reduced after a 12 months period with a good pay history.
Bill Payment Assistance: The committee was advised that Finance has been reviewing current laws for JWSC to set up a service for customer donations on Bill Payment Assistance and the ability for “rounding up” on a customer bill payment. The new finance system may have the ability to track and maintain this type of payment service.
Fire Hydrants: The committee discussed the responsibilities of maintaining fire hydrants in both the city and the county. Steve Swan will be setting up a meeting with all parties involved to develop a standard for fire hydrant maintenance and testing.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM.