Commission Meeting Minutes Thursday, February 7, 2019
For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Commission Meeting held on Thursday, February 7, 2019.
Commission Meeting Minutes 2-7-19 with Attachments
To read the minutes please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.
Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission
1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520
Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 2:00 PM
G. Ben Turnipseed, Chairman
Steve Copeland, Vice-Chairman
Donald Elliott, Commissioner
Cornell L. Harvey, Commissioner
Bob Duncan, Commissioner
Tripp Stephens, Commissioner
Wayne Neal, Commissioner
Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director
Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel HBS
Andrew Burroughs, Deputy Executive Director
Todd Kline, Director of Engineering
Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement
John D. Donaghy, Director of Finance
Jay Sellers, Director of Administration
Kirk Young, Superintendent
Alvin Lang, Supervisor
Derrick Simmons, Superintendent
Cindy Barnhart, T.S.I.
Michelle Warner, G.M.A.
Rocky Joyner, Segal Consulting
Janice Meridith, Exec. Commission Administrator
Taylor Cooper, The Brunswick News
Pamela Permar Shierling, The Islander
Chairman Turnipseed called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.
Commissioner Neal provided the invocation and Commissioner Elliott led the pledge.
Chairman Turnipseed opened the public comment period.
Robbie Tucker, Tap-In Fees – Mr. Tucker has purchased a lot in Riverside to build a home on. He has received a tap-in fee estimate of approximately $10,000 and is concerned as to the extremely high cost to be allowed to tap-in to the system, and believes there should be some means of reducing that cost. He checked the costs of a well and septic sewer system which was much lower cost, however use of a septic tank system is not allowed on the marsh.
There being no additional citizens for public comment, Chairman Turnipseed closed the public comment period.
Gregory Keith Crowder – Wastewater Collection System Operator
Commissioner Harvey presented Gregory Keith Crowder with his Wastewater Collection System Operator certificate. Commissioner Harvey and Cindy Barnhart along with Superintendent Kirk Young and Supervisor Frank Clark congratulated Greg on his accomplishment.
Antonio Damond Simmons – Wastewater Operator Class 1
Commissioner Harvey presented Antonio Damond Simmons with his Wastewater Operator Class 1 certificate. Commissioner Harvey and Cindy Barnhart along with Supervisor Alvin Lang congratulated Antonio on his accomplishment.
Harrison Larimore Jackson – Wastewater Operator Class 3
Commissioner Harvey presented Harrison Larimore Jackson with his Wastewater Collection System Operator Class 3 certificate. Commissioner Harvey and Cindy Barnhart along with Supervisor Alvin Lang congratulated Harrison on his accomplishment.
- Minutes from the January 23, 2019 Commissioners’ Retreat Workshop Meeting
Commissioner Stephens made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal to approve the minutes from the January 23, 2019 Commissioners’ Retreat Workshop Meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.
- Minutes from the January 23, 2019 Executive Session
Commissioner Stephens made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to approve the minutes from the January 23, 2019 Executive Session. Motion carried 7-0-0.
- Minutes from the January 24, 2019 Regular Commission Meeting
Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to approve the minutes from the January 24, 2019 Regular Commission Meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.
- Minutes from the January 24, 2019 Executive Session (1)
Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to approve the minutes from the January 10, 2019 Executive Session (1). Motion carried 7-0-0.
- Minutes from the January 24, 2019 Executive Session (2)
Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from the January 24, 2019 Executive Session (2). Motion carried 6-0-1. (Commissioner Harvey abstained due to absence from the session.)
- Engineering Study RFP – B. Turnipseed
Chairman Turnipseed provided that there are numerous areas in Glynn County presently without public sewer. He noted that since the JWSC has adequate capacity to treat wastewater from additional customers a study should be completed to determine the cost to extend service to some of these areas. Chairman Turnipseed added that the study should provide construction cost estimates for each area with services provided by both a gravity collection system and a pressure collection system, and if authorized the study should be completed within 90 days. The three (3) initially designated areas with adequate density and location near the existing sewer system for this particular study are: The area west of Highway 341 and north of Highway 303; the area east of Highway 341 and north of Community Road and west of Old Jesup Road; and the Arco community.
Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens to move that the JWSC staff develop a RFP to receive proposals for completion of an engineering study to provide sewer service to three (3) unserved areas in Glynn County.
Commissioner Neal asked if there was any idea as to what the cost of the study might be, and the response was no.
Chairman Turnipseed asked when staff may be able to have the RFP prepared and sent out, and Mr. Kline responded an estimate of 30 days for staff to prepare and advertise the RFP.
Motion carried 7-0-0.
- LS4003 Engineering Contract Award – P. Crosby
Pam Crosby presented the recommendation to award the contract for engineering services for the LS4003 Basin Improvements Project. This contract will include the engineering for the improvements to the pump station and some gravity sewer line in the immediate area. She noted that this is a part of the SPLOST 2016 referendum and that the project overall will benefit the greater downtown area of Brunswick. Mrs. Crosby noted that the RFP was issued on November 29, 2018 and a pre-proposal meeting was held on December 18, 2018 with ten (10) firms in attendance, of which seven (7) provided proposals received on January 13, 2019. She provided a RFP evaluation summary matrix for the Commissioners review, as well as noting the evaluation criteria and comments made by the evaluation team.
Commissioner Copeland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to move that the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission enter into a contract with Hussey Gay Bell Engineers in the amount of $244,984.00 for Engineering Services proposal related to the SPLOST 2016 Collection System Modifications to the City of Brunswick LS4003 Basin Project.
Commissioner Duncan asked about the proposals and the options that were offered within and if a single option was already determined and if the proposal encompassed that one option. Mrs. Crosby advised that the recommended proposal included looking at both options and advise which one is the best option. Commissioner Duncan asked how the $245K was arrived at with two options and one not yet selected as the final. Mrs. Crosby clarified that the proposal included the fees to design and the options were all inclusive; the firm will look into both options and determine the best one. The cost will not increase based on selecting the final option.
Commissioner Stephens inquired if the evaluation points awarded for location were tiered based on distance, and Mrs. Crosby replied yes, they were.
Motion carried 7-0-0.
- “L” Street Project/MOU with City of Brunswick – T. Kline
Todd Kline presented the recommendation execution of a MOU with the City of Brunswick to participate in the construction portion of the “L” Street Project where the City of Brunswick is doing some roadway and drainage improvements between Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and Glynn Avenue. While the roads are under construction, JWSC would like to repair, replace and make overall improvements to the water and sewer system in that area. Mr. Kline highlighted the bidding process and further negotiations with the bidder due to the original bid coming in significantly higher than the cost estimate of the project. The revised estimate for the water systems improvements was $711,080.00. JWSC staff recommended adding a 5% contingency based on the changes anticipated on the bid quantities, which brought the new estimated cost of construction including contingency to $746,634.00. Mr. Kline provided that with the JWSC portion of the bid approved and the MOU approved, the City of Brunswick will be able to proceed with the total contract award to Georgia Asphalt Producers, Inc. He also noted that the preconstruction meeting will be held in mid to late February and construction will commence shortly thereafter, with the contract having a 365 day term.
Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to move that the approval be granted to enter into a Memorandum Of Understanding for the City of Brunswick in the estimated amount of $746,634.00 for water-related portions of the L Street Reconstruction Project.
Commissioner Duncan asked who the project manager will be on the utility portion, and Mr. Kline provided that he and staff from JWSC Planning & Construction would be providing construction oversight. Commissioner Duncan then inquired about the major milestones such as early start date and late construction date. Mr. Kline noted that the expectation of the City is that the overall complete project including paving of roadways and such is 365 days, however the water-related portion is expected to be much shorter than that, and at a later date he can provide that detail.
Commissioner Harvey provided that the City, being aware of what happened on the Mansfield Project and that contract, has addressed the manner in which contracts are constructed and prepared. He also noted that the L Street Project is a high priority project for the City and due diligence has been done to ensure this contract does not linger.
Chairman Turnipseed asked if the water lines will be installed first, and Mr. Kline responded that was the intent of the approach and made the most sense since water lines typically are installed deeper than the storm drainage lines and other utility lines, and then the roadway paving would be last.
Motion carried 7-0-0.
- Oak Grove Comprehensive Agreement – C. Dorminy
Charlie Dorminy presented the Oak Comprehensive Agreement to the Commissioners. He provided that Carolina Holdings Group Partners, LLC (“Developer”) has contracted to purchase property owned by Oak Grove Island Limited, LLP and governed by the Oak Grove Island Plantation Planned Development (the “Property”) which is not connected to the public sewer system. The Developer wishes to extend public sewer from LS4132, which is an existing yet non-functioning JWSC pump station, as a part of its plan of development of the Property. Mr. Dorminy noted that the Developer had previously submitted an Unsolicited Proposal which was approved by the JWSC, and that staff has since worked with the Developer to negotiate the Comprehensive Agreement in which the Developer proposes to fund and contract for the necessary improvements to provide public wastewater service to the Property. He added that the JWSC will bid and award the Project. Also, regardless of who contracts for and manages the Project, JWSC has the right to inspect and approve all sewer construction The Developer will pay the costs of the Project and receive credit toward Capital improvement Fees. All other administrative and monthly fees will be paid for by Developer upon redeeming credit for the Development CIF’s following construction of the Project. If the costs of the Project exceed the CIF’s, the Developer will be reimbursed on a 70/30 agreement for 5 years from completion of the Project. Mr. Dorminy further provided that the JWSC agrees to reserve and guarantee sewer capacity and System access for the Development upon the completion of the Project. The Developer will obtain all approvals necessary from the Glynn County Development Department prior to accessing the System. The Developer will either redeem the credit for the CIF’s or pay the associated fees as outlined in the then-current JWSC Rate Resolution. The final details Mr. Dorminy noted included that the Agreement will terminate ten (10) years from the Effective Date, however the Reservation of Capacity and credits for amounts paid under Section 4, will be perpetual upon the completion of the Project and payment of the Capital Improvement Fees. The JWSC will not be liable for any further obligation to the Developer following termination of the Agreement; the Indemnification provision of the Agreement will survive the termination of the Agreement; and the 70/30 Reimbursement obligation will expire five years from completion of the Project as set forth herein.
Commissioner Elliott inquired as to how much capacity was being reserved, and Mr. Dorminy replied that it was capacity for 150 townhomes as provided in the Agreement and also noted in the Preliminary Engineering Report. Mr. Kline added that it was 1 REU per townhome.
Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to move that the JWSC approve the Comprehensive Agreement with Carolina Holdings Group Partners, LLC and authorize the Chairman to execute the same. Motion carried 7-0-0.
Commissioner Duncan clarified that the pump station was built by a previous developer yet never completed, so this is not a repair to an existing pump station, it is in effect a new pump station.
Commissioner Stephens asked if the rest of the existing infrastructure is in good shape, and Mr. Burroughs responded that the force main had not been camera’d but the downstream gravity is in acceptable shape.
Commissioner Elliott questioned if we make any adjustment in tap fees, either up or down, how does that affect this Agreement? Mr. Dorminy provided that the redemption amount would be as of today, so they are not taking any risk that the tap fees may go up. He added that the 70/30 would also be affected and that is paid back at the then current rates. So, if the tap fees go down, the Developer is assuming that risk as well. Mr. Dorminy provided that section and page on the Agreement where these details are noted.
Chairman Turnipseed asked who would be preparing the plans and specifications, and Mr. Burroughs provided that Robert’s Civil Engineering would or the Developer who would be paying for the plans and specifications. He added that JWSC would bid the project in order to ensure that the credit amount is verified and it is confirmed what that amount should be.
Commissioner Stephens asked if the documents were sent out in advance for review, and it was noted that they had been finalized the evening before. It was requested that the Developers be made aware that if the documents needed to be provided a week in advance in order to be on the next week’s agenda so that the Commissioners have the opportunity to review the documents.
Commissioner Neal asked if there was any provision for other residents of Oak Grove to use this system. Mr. Burroughs commented that according to the Developer this had been discussed at an Oak Grove HOA meeting, and that once the system is installed JWSC will allow anyone who pays the tap fee to tie onto the system.
Chairman Turnipseed asked if the Developer had all of the easements to construct the project, and Mr. Burroughs noted yes, according to the Developer they do. Mr. Dorminy added that the easements would be included with the dedication.
Chairman Turnipseed noted concern as to not having had the opportunity to review the documents and being asked to vote on it without a thorough review.
Commissioner Duncan then asked if this Agreement differs materially from other agreements that the Commission has approved. Mr. Dorminy responded no it did not, it was the same format, and he added that the plans have not changed since the original presentation of the Unsolicited Proposal for approval of the application at an earlier Commission meeting. He noted the delay of the final Agreement document was due to the process of working with staff and the attorneys in tweaking the details.
After some clarification of terms in the Agreement, a vote was taken.
Motion carried 7-0-0.
- GMA Defined Benefit Plan – J. Donaghy
John Donaghy introduced Michelle Warner from Georgia Municipal Association and Rocky Joyner of Segal Consulting who were invited to give a presentation regarding the JWSC Defined Benefit Plan. Ms. Warner explained the information contained in the documents provided and then turned the presentation over to Mr. Joyner. Mr. Joyner reviewed the summary of key valuation results, gave an overview of the current plan provisions, the valuation history of the plan, and status of funding. Commissioner Copeland asked how the requirement for no employee contributions compared to other plans around the state. Mr. Joyner provided that there are 280 GMEBS in the state, and of that 280 between 20 and 25 total have employee contributions included in the plan, and all the rest are funded by the employer, and it is rare for employees to be required to contribute to the plans. Mr. Joyner continued to discuss the investments and returns, future projections, and also the retirement plan structure.
- Project Update – T. Kline
Todd Kline presented the monthly Project Update to the Commissioners. He noted the sections of the report and what was reflected in each. Mr. Kline highlighted the SPLOST 2016 North Mainland Improvements Project Phases 2 & 3 and noted that the pre-proposal meeting had been held with a good showing of engineering firms in attendance, and a site tour had been done as well. February 20, 2019 is the revised submittal date for proposals to be received, with the evaluation process to being immediately after. Mr. Kline added that Southeast Pipe is doing some CCTV work, TV’ing the gravity sewer mains in preparation for construction of that project.
Mr. Junkin updated the Commissioners that senior staff had attended a two day workshop with the BB&T Leadership Institute. He briefly explained the purpose of the workshop and the results of the two day session. Last thing discovered in the session which he noted as a glowing outcome, was to look at some needs involved in implementing necessary changes and resources available to make those changes. Mr. Junkin noted that staff is still working to some summary information to finalize resolution with the County to free up the monies from SPLOST V on Holly Street Project to do some repairs in the Sea Palms area. Mr. Junkin’s final update was that staff has worked through many of the issues the Commissioners asked him to work on as a result of the Commissioners’ Retreat. He added that staff is making good progress on those items and a summary will be provided to the Commissioners.
Chairman Turnipseed presented the committee appointments.
Communications Committee: Commissioner Stephens–Chairman, Commissioner Elliott, and Commissioner Duncan.
Economic Development Committee: Commissioner Duncan–Chairman, Commissioner Neal, and Commissioner Harvey.
Facilities Committee: Chairman Turnipseed–Chairman, Commissioner Duncan, and Commissioner Copeland.
Finance Committee: Commissioner Copeland–Chairman, Commissioner Elliott, and Commissioner Stephens.
Human Resources Committee: Commissioner Elliott–Chairman, Commissioner Harvey, and Commissioner Neal.
Legislative Committee: Commissioner Harvey–Chairman, Commissioner Neal, and Commissioner Duncan.
Emergency Preparedness Committee: Commissioner Stephens–Chairman, Commissioner Neal, and Commissioner Harvey.
While some committees may meet monthly, others may only meet as necessary.
Commissioner Stephens noted that two of the Commissioners and Mr. Junkin would be absent for the March 7th Commission Meeting.
Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal to go into Executive Session to discuss Property with no vote to be taken. Motion carried 7-0-0.
Return to Regular Session.
Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to adjourn from Executive Session. Motion carried 7-0-0.
Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal to adjourn the Commission Meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.
There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Turnipseed adjourned the meeting at 3:56 p.m.